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NWFA hosts free Walking Football event for people over 70

11 players with a combined age of 809 come together in Newcastle to play Walking Football.

The older generation can be one of the loneliest demographics – as relatives become preoccupied with other commitments, living situations change, and the pace of life slows down.

As explained by Age UK, more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone, and more than a million older people say they go over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour, or family member.

This is why the NWFA have decided to host free Walking Football session coached by Steve Sanderson and Steve Hill for anyone over the age of 70.

“We ran it as a free event and provided the players with a hot drink and bacon sandwich afterwards to get the over 70s out of the house to be active, socialise, have fun,” explains coach, Steve Sanderson.

The NWFA and everyone who is part of it wants the game of Walking Football to make a difference in players’ lives. By hosting free sessions, the NWFA is on a mission to bring people together by fun playing such a beloved ball game.

“I loved playing in this game played in good spirit by all us oldens together,” enthused player Bob Smith.

The sessions will continue for another 10 weeks to encourage more and more people over the age of 70 to try the game and make friends before, during, and after playing.

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