National Wellbeing Fitness Affiliation?
Wellbeing and fitness are essential for fostering a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, especially for older generations. Engaging in regular physical activity and being part of a supportive community can provide opportunities to connect with others, make friends, and stay active. These elements contribute significantly to both mental and physical well-being.
Adapting fitness routines to meet individual needs is key, particularly as we age. Simple modifications to traditional exercises, like low-impact movements or alternative techniques, make physical activity more accessible and reduce strain on the body. This approach enables individuals to stay active and maintain a connection to activities they enjoy, even as their physical capabilities change over time.
How to use a Defibrillator
Why National Wellbeing Fitness Affiliation is proving so successful
Autism Health and Wellbeing Project
How we helped: Autism sessions 12 two-hour weekly sections Attended by 25 participants Collection and…
Over 70s Health and Wellbeing Sessions
How we helped: Over 70s session Attended by 45 participants 15 two-hour weekly sections Attended…
Walking football sessions funded by CBG
How we helped: Walking football sessions funded by Charities Buying group Participants over the age…
Apogee HP Health & Wellbeing Event
How we helped: Apogee HP Health & Wellbeing Event Teams representing England, Wales, Ireland, Republic…